TH-27R, Isuzu Thermo-Hygrograph w/ 7 days chart

Original price was: 15$.Current price is: 10$.

TH27R Thermo-Hygrograph (completed with Chartpaper 7 days [55 sheets])
20012-1 1 day Chart paper [50 sheets]
20012-7 7 days Chart paper [55 sheets]


Quartz-type precision thermo-hygrograph is housed as a single compact unit, and it is designed to conduct
long-term (1 day, 7 days, 31 days, 62 days, 93 days, 183 days, 365 days) observation for temperature and


The duration of the recording period can be freely selected for virtually any duration by simply setting the dial
switch located on the upper part of the cylindrical drum. This means that with just a single unit of this
electronic thermo-hygrograph you have the built-in flexibility that can respond to the need for either short term
data gathering or for long-term, unattended observation in unmanned regions.



  • Can be easily mounted or hung on the wall
  • The carrying-handle for the ease of portability
  • Easily detachable housing simply slides out
  • Simple removal of the drum
  • Attaching recording graph paper is simple and easy


Please download the datasheet here. (pdf)

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